Dear Guest, welcome to the literature database of the London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG). Please feel free to browse or search through the references that we consider to have a wider relevance to mobile learning. In particular you will find all literature that was cited in the book 'Mobile Learning: Structures, Agency, Practices' (Springer, 2010).
Publications for topic "Part 1: Big picture and Examples"
Pachler, Norbert, Cook, John and Bachmair, Ben, Appropriation of ‘mobile’ cultural resources for learning (2010), in: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Peim, Nick, Activity theory and ontology (2009), in: Educational Review, 61:2(167--180)
Martin, Deirdre and Peim, Nick, Critical perspectives on activity theory (2009), in: Educational Review, 61:2(131--138)
Seipold, Judith, Mo-LeaP - The mobile learning projects database, in: Mobile learning cultures across education, work and leisure. Book of abstracts, WLE, pages 157--161, 2009

Mobile Learning. Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training, AU Press, Issues in Distance Education series, 2009

Bakhurst, David, Reflections on activity theory (2009), in: Educational Review, 61:2(197--210)
Johnson, L., Levine, A. and Smith, R., The 2009 Horizon Report, The New Media Consortium, 2009

Hardcastle, John, Vygotsky's Enlightenment precursors (2009), in: Educational Review, 61:2(181--195)
Sharples, Mike, Milrad, Marcelo, Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada and Vavoula, Giasemi, Big Issues in Mobile Learning, in: Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products. Kaleidoscope Legacy Book, Springer, 2008

Cook, John, Pachler, Norbert and Bradley, Claire, Bridging the gap? Mobile phones at the interface between informal and formal learning (2008), in: Journal of the Research Centre for Educational Technology.Special Issue on Learning while mobile

Hartnell-Young, Elizabeth, Defying a cultural taboo: using mobile phones for learning in secondary schools, in: British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference, Heriot Watt University, 2008
Bradley, Claire, Haynes, Richard, Cook, John, Boyle, T. and Smith, Carl, Design and development of multimedia learning objects for mobile phones, in: Mobile Learning in Education and Training, Athabasca University Press, 2008
Selwyn, Neil, Developing the technological imagination: theorising the social shaping and consequences of new technologies, in: Theorising the benefits of new technology for youth: controversies of learning and development. The educational and social impact of new technologies on young people in Britain, ESRC, pages 18--29, University of Oxford, 2008
EdStats, Internet, 2008

Spikol, D., Exploring novel learning practices through co-designing mobile games co-design, in: Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique. The second international DREAM conference, University of Southern Denmark, 2008

Engeström, Yrjoe, From teams to knots: activity-theoretic studies of collaboration and learning at work, Cambridge University Press, (Learning in doing: social, cognitive and computational perspect, 2008
ICT at a Glance: India, Internet, 2008

Innovative mobile learning: techniques and technologies, Information Science Reference, 2008
Mobile citizens, mobile consumers, Internet by Ofcom, 2008

Stald, Gitte, Mobile identity: youth, identity, and mobile communication media, in: Youth, Identity, and Digital Media, pages 143--164, MIT Press, 2008

Sharples, Mike, Milrad, Marcelo, Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada and Vavoula, Giasemi, Mobile Learning: Small devices, Big Issues, in: Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products, Springer, 2008

van't Hooft, Mark, Mobile, wireless, connected Information clouds and learning, BECTA, Emerging Technologies for Learning, volume 3, 2008

Nomads at last. A special report on mobility (2008), in: The Economist:12

TechNews, Coventry: Becta, 2008

Stone, C., The role of football in everyday life (2008), in: Soccer & Society, 8:2/3(169--184)
Crystal, David, Txtng: the gr8db8, Capital Books, 2008
Davies, Chris, Views of young people, in: Theorising the benefits of new technology for youth: controversies of learning and development. The educational and social impact of new technologies on young people in Britain, ESRC, pages 9--11, University of Oxford, 2008

Hodgkinson, T., With friends like these ... (2008), in: The Guardian, January:14

2007 / 2009
Sieben Meta-Milieus in Westeuropa, Internet, 2007 / 2009

Sharples, Mike, Taylor, Josie and Vavoula, Giasemi, A theory of learning for the mobile age, in: The Sage Handbook of E-learning Research, pages 221--247, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2007

Jones, Ann, Issroff, Kim and Scanlon, Eileen, Affective factors in learning with mobile devices, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 17--22, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Bruns, Axel, Beyond Difference: Reconfiguring Education for the User-Led Age, in: ICE3 conference: digital difference, 2007

Divitini, Monica and Morken, Eli M., Collaborative Community-oriented Mobile Learning. A Position Statement, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 12--15, Dublin Press, 2007

Traxler, John, Defining, Discussing and Evaluating Mobile Learning: The moving finger writes and having writ . . . (2007), in: International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8:2(1--12)

Shao, Yinjuan, Crook, Charles and Kolevas, Boriaa, Designing a Mobile Group Blog to Support Cultural Learning, in: mLearn melbourne 2007. making the connections. Conference Proceedings. Long and Short Papers, Think Business Events (Conference Office), pages 211--215, mLearn melbourne 2007, 2007
Breck, J., Education’s interwingled future, in: Educational Technology XLVII(3). Special Issue: Highly mobile computing, pages 50--54, 2007

Norris, Cathie, Shin, N. and Soloway, Elliot, Educational technology for the mainstream: a call for designing for simplicity and reliability, in: Educational Technology XLVII(3). Special Issue: Highly mobile computing, pages 6--9, 2007
Taylor, Josie, Evaluating mobile learning. What are appropriate methods for evaluating learning in mobile environments?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 26--28, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Traxler, John, Flux within change, in: mLearn melbourne 2007. making the connections. Conference Proceedings. Long and Short Papers, Think Business Events (Conference Office), pages 256--264, mLearn melbourne 2007, 2007

Cook, John, Bradley, Claire, Lance, Justin, Smith, Carl and Haynes, Richard, Generating learning contexts with mobile devices, in: Mobile learning - towards a research agenda, pages 55--74, WLE Centre, 2007

Hoppe, Ulrich, How can we integrate mobile devices with broader educational scenarios?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 32--35, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Milrad, Marcelo, How should learning activities using mobile technologies be designed to support innovative educational practices?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 29--31, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Beale, Russell, How to enhance the experience without interfering with it?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 12--16, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Walker, Kevin, Introduction: mapping the landscape of mobile learning, in: Big issues in mobile learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 5--6, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Peters, Kristine, m-Learning: Positioning educators for a mobile, connected future (2007), in: The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8:2

Hardman, J., Making sense of the meaning maker: tracking the Object of activity in a computer-based mathematics lesson using activity theory (2007), in: International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 3:4(110--130)
Mobile learning - towards a research agenda, WLE Centre, Occasional Papers in Work-based Learning, volume 1, 2007

Urry, J., Mobilities, Wiley, 2007
Smith, Carl, Cook, John, Bradley, Claire, Gossett, R. and Haynes, Richard, Motivating learners: mobile learning objects and reusable learning objects for the X-box generation, in: ALT-C 2007. International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, University of Nottingham, 2007
Bradley, Claire, Haynes, Richard, Smith, Carl, Cook, John and Boyle, T., Multimedia learning objects for mobiles, in: IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, 2007
Laurillard, Diana, Pedagogical forms for mobile learning: framing research questions, in: Mobile learning - towards a research agenda, pages 151--173, WLE Centre, 2007

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Pettit, John, Self-service education: smartphones as a catalyst for informal collective and individual learning, in: mLearn melbourne 2007. making the connections. Conference Proceedings. Long and Short Papers, Think Business Events (Conference Office), pages 114--124, mLearn melbourne 2007, 2007

Sprake, Juliet, Sensing Anomalies: An Exploration of Disorganisation and Disturbance as Productive Elements in Learning through Location, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 30--42, Dublin Press, 2007

Verdejo, M. Felisa, Celorrio, Carlos, Lorenzo, Emilio J., Ruiz, Alberto and Sastre, Teresaa, Sustaining Learning Activity Flow in a Framework for Ubiquitous Learning, in: Beyond Mobile Learning: Workshop: The CSCL Alpine Rendez-Vous, pages 43--53, Dublin Press, 2007

Kress, Gunther and Pachler, Norbert, Thinking about the 'm' in m-learning, in: Mobile learning - towards a research agenda, pages 7--32, WLE Centre, 2007

Price, Sara, Ubiquitous computing: digital augmentation and learning, in: Mobile learning - towards a research agenda, pages 33--54, WLE Centre, 2007

Vahey, Philip, Roschelle, Jeremy and Tatar, Deborah, Using handhelds to link private cognition and public interaction, in: Educational Technology XLVII(3). Special Issue: Highly mobile computing, pages 13--16, 2007
Winters, Niall, What is mobile learning?, in: Big Issues in Mobile Learning, Learning Sciences Research Institute, pages 7--11, Kaleidoscope, 2007

Featherstone, Mike, Archive (2006), in: Theory Culture and Society, 23:2(591--597)
van't Hooft, Mark and Swan, Karen, Epilogue, in: Ubiquitous Computing in Education: Invisible Technology, Visible Impact, pages 349--351, Erlbaum Associates, 2006
Shin, N., Norris, Cathie and Soloway, Elliot, Findings from early research on one-to-one handheld use in K-12 education, in: Ubiquitous computing in education. Invisible technology, visible impact, pages 19--39, Erlbaum Associates, 2006
Naismith, Laura and Corlett, Dan, Reflections on Success A retrospective of mLearn 2002-2005, in: mLearn 2006: Across generations and cultures, 2006

Schenker, Jason, Kratcoski, Annette, Lin, Yi Mei, Swan, Karen and van't Hooft, Mark, Researching ubiquity: was to capture it all, in: Ubiquitous computing in education. Invisible technology, visible impact, pages 167--186, Erlbaum Associates, 2006
Berson, I. R. and Berson, M. J., Ubiquitous mobile phone technology and youth: Cross-national findings, in: Ubiquitous Computing in Education: Invisible Technology, Visible Impact, pages 287--302, Erlbaum Associates, 2006
Rogers, Yvonne and Price, Sara, Using Ubiquitous Computing to Extend and Enhance Learning Experiences, in: Ubiquitous Computing in Education: Invisible Technology, Visible Impact, pages 329--347, Erlbaum Associates, 2006
Baur, N. and Lamnek, S., Einzelfallanalyse, in: Qualitative Medienforschung: Ein Handbuch, pages 241--252, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2005
Krotz, Friedrich, Handlungstheorien, in: Qualitative Medienforschung. Ein Handbuch, pages 40--49, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2005
Winter, Rainer, Interpretative Ethnographie, in: Qualitative Medienforschung. Ein Handbuch, pages 553--560, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2005
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes, Introduction, in: Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Educators and Trainers, pages 1--6, Routledge, 2005
Learning Lab Initiative. Project report, Internet by CKS, 2005

Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS), Learning Lab: Inclusive Education using Mobile Devices, in: International conference on inclusive design, Royal College of Art, London, 2005

Mobile Learning. A Handbook for Educators and Trainers, Routledge, The Open and Flexible Learning Series, 2005
Bull, Michael, No dead air! The iPod and the culture of mobile listening (2005), in: Leisure Studies, 24:4(343--355)
Kaptelinin, Victor, The Object of Activity: Making Sense of the Sense-Maker (2005), in: Mind, Culture, and Activity, 12:1(4--18)
Traxler, John and Dearden, P., The potential for using SMS to support learning and organisation in Sub-Saharan Africa, in: Connecting and promoting the development research community. Annual Conference. 7th-9th September 2005, Development Studies Association, Milton Keynes, 2005

Oliver, Martin, The Problem with Affordance (2005), in: E-Learning, 2:4(402--413)

Treumann, Klaus Peter, Triangulation, in: Qualitative Medienforschung. Ein Handbuch, pages 209--211, UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2005
Lonsdale, Peter, Baber, C. and Sharples, Mike, A context awareness architecture for facilitating mobile learning, in: Learning with Mobile Devices: Research and Development, pages 79--85, Learning and Skills Development Agency, 2004
Dourish, Paul, What we talk about when we talk about context (2004), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8:1(19--30)

Thorne, S., Artifacts and cultures-of-use in intercultural communication (2003), in: Language Learning & Technology, 7:2(38--67)

Weilenmann, Alexandra, Doing mobility, Gothenburg Studies in Informatics, 2003
Zhao, Yong and Frank, Kenneth A., Factors affecting technology uses in schools: an ecological perspective (2003), in: American Educational Research Journal, 40:4(807--840)

Roschelle, Jeremy, Keynote paper: Unlocking the learning value of wireless mobile devices (2003), in: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19:3(260--272)
2002 / 1797
von Humboldt, Wilhelm, Theorie der Bildung des Menschen. Bruchstücke, in: Wilhelm von Humboldt. Werke in fünf Bänden. Band I: Schriften zur Anthropologie und Geschichte, pages 234--240, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2002 / 1797
Roschelle, Jeremy and Pea, Roy, A walk on the WILD side: How wireless handhelds may change computer-supported collaborative learning (2002), in: International Journal of Cognition and Technology, 1:1(145--168)

Nardi, B., Activity Theory and design, in: CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation, pages 529--532, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002
Barab, S., Human-field interaction as mediated by mobile computers, in: CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation, pages 533--537, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002
Gergen, K., The challenge of the absent presence, in: Perpetual Contact. Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance, pages 227--241, Cambridge University Press, 2002
Sharples, Mike, Corlett, Dan and Westmancott, O., The design and implementation of a mobile learning resource (2002), in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 6(220--234)
Cooper, G., The mutable world: social theory in the wireless world, in: Wireless World. Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age., pages 19--31, Springer Verlag, 2002
Rieger, Robert, Gay, Geraldine and Bennington, T., Using mobile computing to enhance field study, in: CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation, pages 507--542, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002
Baumann, Z., Liquid modernity, Blackwell Publishers, 2000
Sharples, Mike, The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning (2000), in: Computers & Education, 34:3-4(177--193)
Bachmair, Ben, Ein Kinderzimmer als Text. Bedeutungskonstitution als kulturelle Aktivität der Rezipienten, in: Ästhetik der Kinder. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur ästhetischen Erfahrung von Kindern, pages 189--203, Gemeinschaftswerk der evangelischen Publizistik, 1999
Giddens, Anthony, Risk and responsibility (1999), in: Modern Law Review, 62:1(1--10)
Lemke, Jay J., Typological and topological meaning in diagnostic discourse (1999), in: Discourse Processes, 27:2(173--185)

Engeström, Yrjoe, Engestroem, R. and Vähäaho, T., When the center does not hold: the importance of knotworking, in: Activity Theory and social practice: cultural-historical Aapproaches, pages 345--374, Aarhus University Press, 1999
Sfard, Anna, On two metaphors for learning and the dangers of choosing just one (1998), in: Educational Researcher, 27:2(4--13)

Bruce, Bertram C. and Hogan, Maureen P., The Disappearance of Technology: Toward an Ecological Model of Literacy, in: Handbook of Literacy and Technology: Transformations in a Post-Typographic World, pages 269--281, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998

Lemke, Jay J., Cognition, context, and learning: a social semiotic perspective, in: Situated cognition: social, semiotic, and psychological perspectives, pages 37--56, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997

Bachmair, Ben, Ein Kinderzimmer als Text (1997), in: Medien Impulse:2(59--62)
Davies, G., Lessons from the past, lessons for the future: 20 years of CALL, in: New technologies in language learning and teaching, Council of Europe, 1997

Production of culture/cultures of production, Open University and Sage, 1997
Nardi, B., Concepts of cognition and consciousness: four voices (1996), in: Australian Journal of Information Systems, 4:1(64--79)
Pickering, A., The mangle of practice, University of Chicago Press, 1995
Engeström, Yrjoe, Developmental studies on work as a test bench of ATs, in: Understanding practice: perspectives on activity and context, Cambridge, pages 64--103, CUP, 1993
Moore, G., Crossing the chasm, Harper Collins, 1991
Hanks, William F., Foreword, in: Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation, pages 13--24, Cambridge University Press, 1991
Lave, Jean and Wenger, Etienne, Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge University Press, Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive, and Computational Perspect, 1991
1986 / 1934
Vygotsky, Lev, Thought and language, MIT Press, 1986 / 1934
1978 / 1930
Pask, G., Conversational techniques in the study and practice of education (1976), in: British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(12--25)
Wood, D., Bruner, J. and Ross, G., The role of tutoring in problem solving (1976), in: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17:2(89--100)
Piaget, Jean, The construction of reality in the child, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1955