Archive for the ‘Track 2’ Category

Christina Preston, John Cuthell, Theo Kuechel, Leon Cych, Dai Thomas, Drew Buddie, Allison Allen: New professional cultures: braided gatherings in The Third Space

Cultures of learning are changing world-wide in this digital age. Conventional understanding of mobile learning, a useful term for digitally-mediated, multimodal learning, is usually framed in terms of devices that are not tied to specific physical locations: laptops; data loggers; PDAs, smart phones; netbooks and an increasing range of products that link learning to classrooms [...]

Daithí Ó Murchú, Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen: i-Learning – The Enculturation of 21st Century Life and Learning

This study addresses the undefined phenomenon of i-learning and enculturation. There is no international definition available in the research literature for i-learning and we therefore propose its first commencement and revelation to the academy for debate. Moreover, we will further explore the reality of i-learning from an authentic and encultured perspective. Finally we will examine [...]

Judith Seipold, Norbert Pachler: Towards a methodology of researching mobile learning

Pedagogic research on mobile learning is currently experiencing a shift from practice-orientated research to theory building, often focusing on theorising communicative and discursive practices. In this context, an emerging tendency in theory building is to consider experiences related to the learners’ life worlds, agencies and cultural practices, in out-of-school, informal contexts. In this paper we [...]

Elisabetta Adami: A self-reflexive semiotic analysis of mobile devices

The paper presents the results of a self-reflexive experience with a Smartphone and of the consequent semiotic analysis carried out on the basis of the fieldwork observations. Through a one-month familiarization with the device, the researcher has been able to investigate its semiotic affordances, in terms of the representational possibilities and constraints implied in the [...]

Klaus Rummler: A life-style segment of ‘At-risk learners’: Using mobile media provides educational opportunities

This presentation will discuss ‘At-risk learners’ from the perspective of lifestyle aesthetics and in the gender perspective. Within this theoretical framework usage date on mobile devices such as mobile phones and portable gaming consoles will be presented and used in order to argue that there are certain risks inherent in the life-styles of young people [...]

Cheryl Brown: It’s (I’m) not good enough: contrasting discourses of ICTs amongst South African university students

Based on the responses to open ended survey questions of 2552 students from 11 South African universities, this paper uses Gee’s notion of big D Discourses to examine university students meanings of ICTs in education. Gee’s concept of Discourse enables elucidation and interpretation of findings relating to students’ technological identities and how this [...]

Laura Czerniewicz, Cheryl Brown: Blurring boundaries: How ICTS are challenging notions of learning in South African universities

This paper uses a mixed methodological approach to reflect on a five-year study of South African universities students’ access to and use of ICTs for learning. We examine how the original assumptions that underpin the study no longer pertain in the same way as they did at the outset. Distinctions pertaining to the digital divide, [...]

András Benedek, Kristóf Nyíri: Beyond Hardcopy: The Inevitability of Microcontent

A recent significant transformation in the life-world of young people is the loss of willingness, and indeed of the ability, to read extended printed texts. Increasingly, young people will read and write exclusively in the digital medium. In the world of work, this means that the paperless office is today becoming reality. The new generation [...]

Norbert Pachler: The London Mobile Learning Group socio-cultural ecological approach to mobile learning: an overview

In view of the increasing portability and functional convergence of technological devices, as well as the reduction in their cost, and the cost of services available for them, mobile devices have become more and more embedded in the life-worlds of users. It is the growing significance of mobile devices in learners’ everyday lives, i.e. their [...]

Ben Bachmair: Historical perspective on appropriation as a key term for a socio-cultural ecology and an educational framework for mediated learning

The International Communication Association (Livingstone 2008) began a debate on mediation by probing terms like mediatization, mediazation or medialization to lead communication theory over two maelstroms, the changing phenomena of communication and the interferences of different academic cultures in the process of globalisation. An educationally motivated theory on media focused for a long time on [...]