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LMLG on twitter
The LMLG provides hashtags for some of their events and
projects in twitter. Currently, the following tags are used:
- #lmlg
for LMLG
- #moleap
for MoLeaP
- #d4dl
and #LMLG
for the LMLG workshops in Bristol 2013
- #BETT_Show
and #MMAFA
for the LMLG workshops at BETT12
- #MirandaModBremen
for the MirandaMod at MLCB2011 in Bremen
for the ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’
- #telc09
for LMLG workshop at Alpine Rendez-Vous 2009
Past events |
page |
Round Table "Mobile
Learning: Learning Across Contexts � Learning In Transition"
at ECER 2015 "Education and Transition - Contributions
from Educational Research"
September 7-11, 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 9:00am - 10:30am
Room: 104.Oktatóterem [C]
Session details:
Network: 06. Open Learning: Media, Environments and Cultures
Session: 06 SES 04 A
Session Title: 06 SES 04 A: Mobile Learning: Learning Across Contexts
- Learning in Transition
Workshop convenor:
Dr. Judith Seipold
List of presenters and chair:
- Prof. Dr. Norbert Pachler, UCL Institute of Education, University
College London, UK; Pro-director: Teaching, Quality and Learning Innovation.
- Dr. Klaus Rummler, Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zürich),
Switzerland; Head of the research group ‘Media Education’.
- Dr. Maria Ranieri, University of Florence, Department of Education
and Psychology, IT; Associate Professor.
- Prof. i.R. Dr. Ben Bachmair, Universitätsprofessor i.R. Universität
Kassel, DE; Visiting professor UCL Institute of Education, UK.
- Dr. Keith Turvey, Education Research Centre, University of Brighton,
UK; Principal Lecturer.
- Dr. Judith Seipold, London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG), Switzerland;
Convenor of the RT; Media educationalist and researcher.
- Chair: Prof. Dr. Theo Hug, Universität Innsbruck.
General description of the RT:
Mobile learning as a global phenomenon is considered to offer
new opportunities for teaching and learning as mobile technologies can
be used inter alia to realise personalised and learner centred approaches
(see e.g. Sharples, Corlett, and Westmancott, 2001), to find ways to include
learners who are at a distance to formal education (see e.g. Pachler,
Bachmair, and Cook, 2010), to realise collaborative and networked learning
formats (see e.g. Traxler, 2010), to address topics that are related to
ethical dimensions in educational contexts (see e.g. Wishart, 2011) etc.
This is why some advocates of mobile learning argue it is (a pathfinder
for) ‘new’ and ‘future’ learning. However, the
question arises why this shift in the belief that learning changes significantly
through the use of mobile technologies? What is actually behind populist
assumptions such as ‘new’ and ‘future’ learning?
In what way does or is learning changing - and what can research,
theory, practice and politics contribute and learn from this change?
The round table will adopt a dialogic approach with presenters engaging
participants in a critical discussion around topics such as ‘innovation’
and, related to it, the ‘transformation’ of learning that
is inherent in the affordances and use of mobile technologies in educational
contexts. The round table will discuss mobile learning as agentive and
meaningful activity and cultural practice rather than adopt a techno-centric
perspective. Impulses for innovation and transformation in learning through
mobile learning will be explored as well as differences and commonalities
across different European countries; there will also be a consideration
of structural limits confronting mobile learning.
The round table will frame learners as drivers of innovation and transformation
of learning, and their agency and their cultural practices will be in
the foreground. It will also give attention: to structures that are relevant
for learners in their learning, appropriation and meaning-making processes;
to the educational system that has to react to mobile learning practice
in order to ensure sustainability; and to learning theory, practice and
methodological implications.
Specific reference will be made to: to participatory narrative methodology
(Turvey, 2014); ‘problem spaces’ (Turvey & Pachler, forthcoming);
learner generated contexts (Seipold, 2014); contextual learning (Bachmair
& Pachler, 2015); social justice as institutional prerequisites within
life accomplishment and together with the recognition of difference (Bachmair,
forthcoming); mobile storytelling (Ranieri, 2015); consequences for learning
and policy development (Seipold, 2012); and to implications for teacher
education and teachers’ perspective on mobile learning (Maurer &
Rummler, 2014; Turvey, 2014).
Relevant framing questions for discussion at the round table
- Agency and structures
- What is the role of learner activity in transformation?
- What is the relationship between learner agency and structure
- Places and contexts
- Under which conditions is this merging of contexts fruitful for
learning? When is it disruptive?
- Benefits and limits
- What are the benefits of mobile technologies and their affordances
for learners, teachers, and the education system?
- Role of teachers and learners
- What are the consequences for the roles of learners and teachers?
- Policy, educational system and teacher education:
- What does learner centring mean for institutional learning?
- What is the impact of the introduction of mobile technologies
on educational structures?
- What systemic action is needed to ensure sustainable structures
and approaches?
- What are the implications for teacher education?
- Research and interdisciplinarity
- What are the relative contributions of different scientific disciplines?
Handouts, slides and videos will be available for download:
Ideas in Mobile
Learning Symposium
Date: 6th - 7th March, 2014
Place: Watershed, Bristol
details and resources
Organised by Designing for Digital Learners (D4DL) Research Group. This
event was supported by QR (Quality Research) funds from UWE Bristol.
Aim and Focus:
Focus was on new patterns of connected social learning and work-based
practices; on designing for ‘mobile learning’ at scale; on
the boundaries of learning that the ‘m’ in m-learning forces
us to explore. |
Workshop "Towards
sustainable mobile learning scenarios"
Event: LMLG Workshop
Date: Wednesday 9th October, 2013 (in the morning)
Place: Watershed, Bristol
details and resources
Event organised in partnership between Designing for Digital Learners
Research Group, UWE Bristol, and London Mobile Learning Group.
Aim and Focus:
Propose and discuss reference points that can help build sustainable
mobile learning scenarios.
The focus of the workshop is to highlight and debate the issues currently
surrounding the design and use of mobile technologies in formal learning
and learning in informal situations. The interactive sessions will encourage
debate about the use of mobile devices in wide-raging contexts ranging
from schools to the workplace. |
LMLG workshops
at BETT 2012
Event: BETT 2012
Date: Janaury 11, 2012
Place: Olympia, London; Gallery Room 1, Grand Hall Gallery
details on the MirandaNet Website
of the presentations (Pachler, Cook, Rummler, Seipold, Ludwig)
for Workshop 1 (Pachler, Cook, Bachmair)
for Workshop 2 (Seipold, Rummler, Ludwig)
Mindmap for both workshops
Twitter hashtag #BETT_Show
and #MMAFA
Exploiting mobile technologies in learning (Part
The classroom is not the only place for learning
Wednesday 11th January 1200-1430
The London Mobile Learning Group (www.londonmobilelearning.net)
will be drawing on the findings from their international research to offer
some suggestions for Achievement for All practitioners supporting at-risk
learners. The session will outline the key principles of the socio-cultural
ecology of mobile learning with particular emphasis on at-risk learners
and with reference to specific mobile learning projects. The topics under
discussion will be:
- different ways of integrating mobile media into schools in constructive
learning contexts
- bridging the gap between the use of technologies in school and in
everyday life
- harnessing the power of mobile technologies in promoting learning
in informal contexts.
Invited experts who will introduce the themes will include
Professors Norbert Pachler and Ben Bachmair, Institute of Education, University
of London and John Cook, London Metropolitan University.
Exploiting mobile technologies in learning (Part
The role of classroom practice in improving opportunities for at-risk
Wednesday 11th January 1530-1800
This workshop will aim to introduce practical approaches
and solutions to teaching and learning with mobile technologies. The focus
of the three central case studies under discussion will be to make suggestion
for Achievement for All practitioners who are supporting at-risk learners:
- teaching approaches, systematic change management issues
- benefits and challenges of bringing tablet PCs (such as iPads) into
- learner-generated videos and community platform specific solutions
for at-risk learners.
The short presentations will be followed by open discussions
where participants are invited to provide their own experience and to
raise questions which will be discussed with other on-site and on-line
Invited experts who will introduce the themes are: Judith
Seipold, MirandaNet Fellow (London Mobile Learning Group), Klaus Rummler
(University of Bremen) and Luise Ludwig (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Mainz). |
Roundtable of "Social
Mobile Networking for Informal Learning" (SoMobNet)
Event: SoMobNet Roundtable
Date: November 21, 2011
Place: Institute of Education, London
Mobility and networking are two important emerging issues.
Learners and teachers, as well as workers, especially in developed countries,
are continuously involved in ubiquitous relationships with other people
on the net, exchanging information and sharing knowledge and skills. However,
in the eld of mobile learning, a great deal of emphasis has been placed
on technologies and content transfer, while the potential to support community
building processes through the integration with other socio-technical
mechanisms such as social networks has tended to be underemphasised.
The aim of this roundtable is to explore educational and socio-cultural
perspectives on the use of the increasing convergence of mobile devices
and digital media for social networking in formal and informal contexts
of learning. The roundtable is intended to offer a space for researchers
and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences and research on social
mobile networking for informal learning.
The round table will feature two keynotes, a series of paper
presentations as well as two discussion sessions moderated by a facilitator
and reported by a network member. The discussion sessions will provide
the opportunity for participants to respond to inputs from the perspectives
of their own research and professional practice. The roundtable will provide
opportunity to network with colleagues to learn about each other’s
work, formulate collaborative ideas and scope challenges to advance theory
and practice in the field of mobile learning and social network.
About SoMobNet
SoMobNet stands for "Social Mobile Network to Enhance Community Building
for Adults' Informal Learning". It is a capacity building network
part-funfed by STELLAR, the only Network of Excellence on TEL (Technology-Enhanced
Learning) funded within FP7 with the objective to unify the diverse TEL
Partners include Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), Institute
of Education (UK), Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (Italy), Universität Bremen (Germany), Attiko Vocational
Training Center (Greece) and LTRI, London Metropolitan University (UK). |
Workshop "Pedagogically-orientated
Mobile Learning Research: The Case of Design Research"
Event: AERA 2011
Date: April 9, 2011
Place: New Orleans, LA
event details
Brenda Bannan, Norbert Pachler, JohnCook and Ben Bachmair
Recent work on researching mobile learning (Vavoula, Pachler and Kukulska-Hulme,
2009) inter alia argues that an inter-, multi- or transdisciplinary approach
and methodological diversity are desirable, indeed necessary, in order
to fullyunderstand the intricacies attendant to the issues characterizing
the field. Yet, at the same time, there is a need for a common set of
underpinning research purposes for the field of mobile learning with which
aims, research questions, data collection and research methods and frames
for individual analysis articulate.
To achieve such a common set of purposes this Roundtable proposed a research
focus on learning. It started from the premise that activity with, and
supported by mobile devices has the potential to meet the key conditions
for effective learning, viewed as a process of cognitive and social development
in which social interaction is mediated by cultural tools such as language
On the basis of such a premise the Roundtable sought to explore the implications
of the use of mobile devices as cultural resources for learning in complex,
sometimes unpredictable and often uncontrollable educational, social and
cultural arrangements - and its key characteristics of user-generated
contexts for development and appropriation - for developing appropriate
approaches to, and methods of research. In view of the complexity and
richness of the social phenomena to be investigated, which are often located
at the interface between the public and personal, the Roundtable had a
strong focus on qualitative approaches in particular design research and
on ethnographic approaches. The Roundtable sought to extrapolate relevant
issues for research-informed pedagogical practice. It reported on specific
mobile learning interventions, discussed the role of research in the projects
and sought toshow how it can be made fruitful to understand the processes
involved as well as to be able to make judgements about their impact on
This Roundtable sought to contribute to the establishment of mobile learning
research as a distinct field of research with particular concerns and
challenges. It took the view that the specificities of mobile learning,
such as its situated nature often in private or semi-public contexts,
the relative complexity of the phenomenon, its boundedness with identity
formation or its multi-dimensionality cutting across different physical,
virtual and social space, makes the choice of research approaches difficult
and throws up a number of important methodological and ethical considerations. |
Workshop ""The
mobile' in teaching and learning: exploring and evaluating the role of
mobile phones"
Event: Learning and Teaching Conference
Date: April 1, 2011
Place: Institute of Education, University of London
The London Mobile Learning Group ran a workshop at the
2011 IOE Learning and Teaching Conference. The workshop provided a brief
overview of the main principles of the socio-cultural ecology of mobile
learning and went on to explore the application of mobiledevices in teaching
and learning in schools, colleges and universities. Members of the group
reported on recent projects with and for practitioners and learners including
- My Mobile (use of mobile phones in regular classes in six primary
and secondary schools)
- CONTSENS (use of mobile phones for project-based learning in teacher
- ALPS (planning the use of iPhones with 500 Year 4 medical students)
"Mobile learning:
Crossing boundaries in convergent environments" Conference
Date: March 21-22, 2011
Place: Bremen, Germany
website and resources
The �Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent
environments� Conference that took place in Bremen (Germany) from Monday
to Tuesday, March 21st to 22nd, 2011 built on a series of mobile learning
research symposia hosted by the WLE Centre for Excellence at the Institute
of Education, University of London between 2007 and 2009. It will focused
on the challenges of developing new pedagogic approaches and on the potential
of mobile devices for learning in formal and informal contexts. As mobile
learning is not only about learning with mobile technologies, but also
considered to be "new" learning, the conference had a look at challenges
for research and practice in understanding the changing social and technological
structures allowing the use of technology for learning that are present
in our personal lives, in school and in work places. |
Working group "Individualised
mobility as cultural resource: harnessing the 'mobile complex' for participatory
Event: Formation and Education in the Democracy (Bildung
in der Demokratie) – 22. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
Date: March 15-17, 2010 from 10:15 - 13:00 hours
Place: Mainz, Germany
Workshop leader:
Prof. Dr. Ben Bachmair
Application, summary:
Individualised mobility as cultural resource: harnessing
the ‘mobile complex’ for participatory learning
The current cultural transformation is driven by individualisation, which
leads to a mobile complex with (a) fragmentation of learning, (b) new
social stratification of socio-cultural milieus, (c) mobilisation of mass
communication with user-generated contexts and content. Within the mobile
complex new cultural resources are emerging. The educational aim is to
support a personal appropriation of new resources for enhancing participation
for all socio-cultural milieus. The theoretical frame comes from a cultural
ecology, which analyses socio-cultural structures, agency and cultural
practices (e.g. informal learning). The concept of appropriation (Aneignung)
helps to identify generated mobile contexts as subjective areas of development
in the view of Lev Vygotsky. An assimilation of ‘native’ learners’
competence on media and learning offers practical and tested options for
the school.
Application, extended version:
Individualised mobility as cultural resource: harnessing
the ‘mobile complex’ for participatory learning
The current and ongoing cultural transformation is driven, among other
things, by individualisation, which, in turn, leads to (a) a fragmentation
of learning, (b) a new social stratification of socio-cultural milieus
each with a specific habitus and (c) a mobilisation of mass communication
with user-generated contexts and content. We use the shorthand ‘mobile
complex’ for these trends, which have notable implications for schools.
We are witnessing a significant transformation of media practices in relation
to individualised mobility, which has considerable implications for learning
inside and outside of formal educational settings. Individualised mobility
is increasingly mediated by multifunctional mobile devices in everyday
life and social networking tools (Web 2.0). Furthermore, the fragmentation
and personalisation of media content in user-generated contexts brings
situated meaning-making into focus. Users become agents of content and
context generation within their individualising socio-cultural frames
and milieus. Within this dynamic, learning is become a form of meaning-making
according to habitus of socio-cultural milieus.
One consequence is a shift of relevance of cultural resources: school-based
learning is partly replaced by resources of the mobile complex, e.g. user-generated
contexts and communicative mobile phone applications. At the same time,
individualised mobile mass communication is personally appropriated as
a widely accepted cultural resource, especially by socio-cultural milieus,
which engage less well with school-based learning. The growing irrelevance
of traditional cultural resources in relation to school-based learning
leads to milieu-specific at-risk learners.
With direct reference to these trends, the symposium aims to recognise
the appropriation of mobile media devices and user-generated contexts
as resources for meaning-making and learning. One task of the school is
to assimilate the appropriated cultural resources into the practices around
formal learning. The intention is to widen the definition of educationally
relevant cultural resources to enable participation by all socio-cultural
milieus according to their habitus of learning.
Appropriation of the mobile complex from the perspective
of a cultural ecology
The recognition of the mobile complex as potential cultural resource derives
from an epistemology, which identifies a triangular interrelation of (a)
socio-cultural structures, (b) agency as the subject’s capacity
to act in respect to the world, and (c) cultural practices. From an educational
perspective, the interrelationship of these three areas of structures,
agency and practices is relevant in the way subjects appropriate the mobile
complex into their life worlds and life courses. The concept of appropriation
deliberately combines the traditional concept of ‘Bildung’
and Vygotsky’s interpretation of child development. The concept
of ‘resource’ offers the discussion of the social, democratic
and equal allocation of mobile devices and contexts. Furthermore, it helps
to develop didactic practices, which are increasing social participation
and equality. One possible educational approach is to assimilate the ‘native
mobile expertise’ of the students into the teaching and learning
practices of schools.
Assimilation of the appropriated mobile complex into the
The symposium will provide insights on school initiatives, which operationalize
the cultural ecological approach and focus on learner-generated mobile
contexts. The practical aim is a ‘conversational integration’
of ‘responsive contexts of development’. The term ‘responsive
context of development’ refers deliberately to Lev Vygotsky’s
“zone of proximal development” and Jerome Bruner’s practice
of “scaffolding”. The didactic task is to create situations
for mobile learning, which attach the ‘native mobile expertise’
of young people to the curricular aims of the school with the intention
to recognise milieu- and habitus-specific mobile resources for social
participation. This intention finds expression in the term ‘participatory
learning’. Its operationalization is envisaged through four ‘didactic
parameters’, which are derived from our conceptual work, and they
are under evaluation.
The focus is on the learning potential afforded by mobile devices with
particular reference to user-generated contexts and their appropriation.
Due to structural changes to mass communication users are now actively
engaged in generating personal contexts for learning, in which self-development
is a socially negotiated process involving the internalization of cultural
List of papers and the discussant:
- Introduction
Bachmair, B., Pachler, N., & Cook, J. (2010, March 17). Individualised
mobility as cultural resource: harnessing the ‘mobile complex’
for participatory learning (AG 46). Presented at the DGfE 2010: Individualised
mobility as cultural resource: harnessing the 'mobile complex' for
participatory learning, Mainz. Retrieved from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Introduction.pdf
- Dr. Norbert Pachler, Institute of Education University of London,
Department of Learning, Curriculum & Communication, Faculty of
Culture and Pedagogy; Centre for Excellence in Work-Based Learning
for Education Professionals (WLE):
"The socio-cultural ecological approach to mobile learning"
Pachler, N. (2010, March 17). The socio-cultural ecological approach
to mobile learning. Presented at the DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility
as cultural resource: harnessing the 'mobile complex' for participatory
learning, Mainz. Retrieved from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Pachler.pdf
- Prof. Dr. Claudia de Witt, FernUniversität in Hagen; Dr. Sonja
Ganguin, FernUniversität in Hagen:
"Research Project Mobile Learning in work-based contexts"
de Witt, C., & Ganguin, S. (2010, March 17). Research Project
"Mobile Learning in work-based contexts". Presented at the
DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility as cultural resource: harnessing
the 'mobile complex' for participatory learning, Mainz. Retrieved
from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Ganguin_deWitt.pdf
- Prof. Dr. John Cook, Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning at
the London Metropolitan University, Learning Technology Research Institute:
"Learning options of mobile and user generated context
and its appropriation"
Cook, J. (2010, March 17). Learning options of mobile and user generated
context and its appropriation - a Vygotskian perspective. Presented
at the DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility as cultural resource: harnessing
the 'mobile complex' for participatory learning, Mainz. Retrieved
from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Cook.pdf
- Dr. Gemma Moss: Institute of Education University of London, Faculty
of Policy and Society, Department of Educational Foundations and Policy
"Boys' use of cultural resources, a Bersteinian perspective"
Moss, G. (2010, March 17). Boys' use of cultural resources: a Bernsteinian
perspective. Presented at the DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility as
cultural resource: harnessing the 'mobile complex' for participatory
learning, Mainz. Retrieved from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Moss.pdf
- Prof. Dr. Ben Bachmair, Prof. i. R. für Erziehungswissenschaft,
Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik, Universität Kassel,
Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft/ Humanwissenschaften; Dipl. Päd.
Daniel Zils, Ludwigshafen; Dipl. Päd. Maren Risch, Ludwigshafen:
"Assimilation of naïve mobile expertise for learning
in schools in socially deprived areas, a Vygotskyian perspective"
Bachmair, B., Risch, M., & Zils, D. (2010, March 17). Mobile responsive
contexts of development and learning; report of field projects on
mlearning. Presented at the DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility as
cultural resource: harnessing the 'mobile complex' for participatory
learning, Mainz. Retrieved from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Bachmair-Risch-Zils_M-Learning.pdf
- Discussant:
Dr. Benjamin Jörissen, Universität Magdeburg, Institut für
Erziehungswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Pädagogik/ Universität
der Bundeswehr München
Jörissen, B. (2010, March 17). Comments on the presentations
of "Individualised mobility as cultural resource: harnessing
the ‘mobile complex’ for participatory learning (AG 46)".
Presented at the DGfE 2010: Individualised mobility as cultural resource:
harnessing the 'mobile complex' for participatory learning, Mainz.
Retrieved from http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/downloads/DGfE2010_Joerissen-alle-Kommentare.pdf
Workshop "Technology-enhanced
learning in the context of technological, societal and cultural transformation"
Event: Alpine Rendez-Vous, within the framework of the STELLAR
Network of Excellence
Date: November 30 to December 1, 2009
Place: Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany
twitter hashtag: #telc09
Presentations, notes and discussions can be found on cloudworks: http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/1926/cloud#cloudstream
Dr. Norbert Pachler
Scope of the workshop:
This workshop was organised by Norbert Pachler (www.norbertpachler.net),
the convenor of the London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG) (www.londonmobilelearning.net),
housed at the Centre for Excellence in Work-based Learning for Educational
Professionals (www.wlecentre.ac.uk)
at the Institute of Education, London (www.ioe.ac.uk).
The Stellar Network funded only three of the 16 workshop places; participation
of most of the remaining participants was made possible through financial
support from the WLE Centre for Excellence.
The LMLG comprises an international, interdisciplinary group of researchers
from the fields of educational, media and cultural studies, social semiotics
and educational technology. The aim of the workshop was to augment the
work of the LMLG, in particular around its socio-cultural ecology, and
to extend the interdisciplinary nature of its work through exposure to
perspectives advanced by (TEL) researchers in cognate fields from across
Europe and the US, in particular in relation to design-based approaches.
The LMLG sees learning using mobile devices governed by a triangular relationship
between socio-cultural structures, cultural practices and the agency of
media users / learners, represented in the three domains. The interrelationship
of these three components: agency, the user's capacity to act on the world,
cultural practices, the routines users engage in their everyday lives,
and the socio-cultural and technological structures that govern their
being in the world, we see as an ecology, which in turn manifests itself
in the form of an emerging cultural transformation. Another significant
trend, which requires pedagogical responses, is the prevalence of what
we call 'user-generated contexts'. We are currently witnessing a significant
shift away from traditional forms of mass communication and editorial
push towards user-generated content and individualised communication contexts.
These structural changes to mass communication also affect the agency
of the user and their relationship with traditional and new media. Indeed,
the LMLG argues that users are now actively engaged in shaping their own
forms of individualised generation of contexts for learning through individualised
communication contexts. New relationships between context and production
are emerging in that mobile devices not only enable the production of
content but also of contexts. They position the user in new relationships
with space, i.e. the outer world, and place, i.e. social space. Mobile
devices enable and foster the broadening and breaking up of genres. Citizens
become content producers who are part of an explosion of activity in the
area of user-generated content. What are the implications for education?
The workshop inter alia sought to explore the following questions and
- Learning as a process of meaning-making for the LMLG occurs through
acts of communication, which take place within rapidly changing socio-cultural,
mass communication and technological structures. Does the notion of
learner-generated cultural resources represent a sustainable paradigm
shift for formal education in which learning is viewed in categories
of context and not content? What are the issues in terms of 'text'
production in terms of modes of representation, (re)contextualisation
and conceptions of literacy? Who decides/redefines what it means to
have coherence in contemporary interaction?
- What synergies are there between the socio-cultural ecological
approach to mobile learning, which the LMLG developed (see Pachler,
Bachmair and Cook, 2010), with paradigms put forward by different
(TEL) research communities in Europe and beyond?
- What relationship is there between user-generated content, user-generated
contexts and learning? How can educational institutions cope with
the more informal communicative approaches to digital interactions
that new generations of learners possess?
- What pedagogical parameters are there in response to the significant
transformation of society, culture and education currently taking
place alongside technological innovation?
Workshop procedure:
Following an open Call and the submission of a position paper
by each participant, the workshop was attended by the following colleagues
from across Europe who work in and across various aspects of the fields
of education and educational technology:
- Elisabeth Adami, Verona
- Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu
- Ben Bachmair, Kassel
- Jörgen Bang, Aarhus
- Brenda Bannan, George Mason
- Margit Böck, Salzburg
- John Cook, London Met
- Theo Hug, Innsbruck
- Mark Kramer, Salzburg
- Ambjörn Naeve, Stockholm
- Norbert Pachler, WLE/IoE (convenor)
- Christoph Pimmer, Basel
- Maren Risch, Rhineland-Palatinate
- Carl Smith, London Met
- Daniel Spikol, Växjö
- John Traxler, Wolverhampton
On the basis of the expressions of interest and position papers received,
the following sub-themes were identified:
- opening session: mobile complex, socio-cultural transformation,
ecology of mobile learning, user-generated/responsive contexts (Pachler)
- MyMobile project/didactic parameters (Bachmair, Risch)
- work-based learning (Pimmer, Attewell, Pachler)
- design challenges (Spikol, Bannan, Smith)
- content and augmented reality (Hug, Bang, Kramer)
- literacy (Cook, Adami, Boeck)
- sustainability (Traxler, Naeve)
- closing session (Pachler).
The workshop ran for two full days. Each theme was allocated between
around 90 and 120 minutes and the participants allocated to a particular
theme were invited to plan their session jointly in advance. All sessions
involved some degree of input, discussion/group work/practical activity
as well as a plenary phase.
Position papers and questions for discussion were made available in advance
of the workshop on GoogleGroups as well as Cloudworks (cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/1926/cloud#cloudstream).
During the workshop contributors' presentations were added and participants
in Garmisch and beyond contributed to the discussion on Cloudworks as
well as on Twitter.
Key messages from the workshop:
In terms of outcomes and key messages, it was interesting to
note the interest the position papers attracted on Cloudworks, even prior
to the start of the workshop.
The mixture of theory and practice was felt to have worked well and to
have been fruitful particularly in view of a potential chasm developing
between the research community and the policy and practitioner communities
in the field of mobile learning.
The workshop underlined the importance of definitional clarity around
key terminology, particular in the context of interdisciplinary work in
an international context.
Mobile learning, the main focus of the workshop, can be seen to deal with
complex issues, which benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. Despite
interdisciplinarity adding complexity and this complexity needing to be
managed sensitively, there exists a need for greater richness in the conceptual
foundations of mobile learning; there is arguably a need to challenge
the hegemony of education, psychology and computer science as the foundational
disciplines of the mobile learning research community.
Some topics, such as sustainability, have proved to be multi-layered and
the concurrent discussion of different layers during the workshopprovided
fruitful insights into possible different framings of each given topic
and issue.
The workshop showed that the key theoretical framework used at the event
for illuminating the use of mobile learning - the LMLG's socio-cultural
approach - has provided a useful lens and a shared vocabulary for
analysis. At the same time it transpired that, in relation to some topics
such as work-based learning, more work is required to align it and its
theoretical underpinnings with established discourses in certain areas,
such as WBL. Work-based mobile learning has to be embedded in the work-processes
and current practices and not be designed as an extra layer. Structure
in WBML is not only related to media platforms but also to organisational
structures and focusing only on the first issue would be too narrow. Power-relationships
are a central construct to be considered in WBML. And, the fact that businesses
are orientated towards a productivity paradigm, rather than towards a
learning paradigm, poses a particular challenge for WBML. A key question
appears to be to what extent practices around mobile devices influence
work-life balance.
The discussion around user-generated contexts demonstrated the complexity
of the notion of context and how its different understandings are rooted
in divers epistemological and ontological traditions.
The discussions around augmented reality brought to the fore a number
of issues in particular around retention, perception and coherence as
well as filtering and the need for criticality on the part of the user.
With respect to augmented contexts for development, the question arose
whether Vygotskyan notions of perception / attention / temporality are
a way forward and how these notions link in concrete terms to more academic
/ traditional views of ‘literacy’. And, what are the implications
of for the emerging field of mobile augmented reality? Is it possible
to replace the more capable peer in the zone of proximal development?
Synergies with design-based research were generally seen to offer considerable
potential for the work of the LMLG and beyond. In particular, there emerged
a strong sense of potential around the bringing together of a hermeneutic
and critical historical approach to planning and analysis of teaching
and learning, i.e. critical didactic, with the experimental, empirical
evaluative approach offered by design research.
In terms of sustainability, the workshop concluded that much more still
needs to be done in terms of understanding the complexity of the notion
of sustainability. The discussion showed that there exists an important,
and currently underexplored, ethical context to mobile learning, that
is the context in which we connect with learners, composed in part of
challenges such as sustainability, scalability (or transferability or
replication), equity, inclusion, opportunity, embedding. It relates to
a concern for the role of mobile learning for addressing forms of deprivation
and disadvantage and informing the relevant policy environment.
Overall it can be noted that the discussions during the two days reiterated
the need for a paradigm change in education to enable young people to
deal with the implications of ongoing transformations.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a Special
Issue of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning guest
edited by Norbert Pachler.
Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Cook, J. (2010) Mobile learning:
structures, agency, practices. New York: Springer
Norbert Pachler
London, December 2009
The Alpine
Rendez-Vous is organised within the framework of the STELLAR Network
of Excellence (www.stellarnet.eu)
by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. The LMLG workshop will
take place from November 30 to December 1 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria.
Symposium on "Multimodal
approaches to communication"
Date: May 27, 2009
Place: University of Verona, Italy
Symposium "Outside
in and inside out: interdisciplinarity and mobile learning research"
Event: AERA 2009
Date: April 14, 2009 from 16.05 - 17.35 hours
Place: San Diego Marriott Hotel
3rd WLE Mobile Learning
Symposium "Mobile learning cultures across education, work and leisure"
Date: March 27, 2009
Place: WLE Centre, IoE, London
and resources
proceedings |
Symposium "Outside
in, inside out? Digital media as cultural resources for learning"
Event: CAL 09
Date: March 23, 2009 from 13.15 - 14.35 hours
Place: Hilton Metropole Brighton
Prof. Dr. John Cook
Individual papers accepted as part of the symposium:
Workshop "Exploring
and working with mobile technologies"
Date: May 22, 2008
Place: WLE Centre, IoE, London
website |
Arbeitsgruppe "Mit
dem Handy-Alltag der Jugendlichen Schulkultur transformieren - Mobile
Learning als pädagogische Antwort auf die Diversifizierung von Bildung"
Event: "Kulturen der Bildung" – 21. Kongress
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
Date: March 18, 2008
Place: Dresden, Germany
Workshop leader:
Prof. Dr. Ben Bachmair
Brief description of workshop:
Die Detraditionalisierung der modernen Gesellschaft erreicht
mit Handy und MP3-Player den Kulturbereich der Massenkommunikation. Websites
wie YouTube oder Podcasts sind der deutliche Belege wie die vertraute
Massenkommunikation sich in diskursive Sphären der Zeichenzirkulation
verwandelt, bei der u.a. Archive bedeutsamer werden als die redaktionelle
Produktion von Sendungen. Die Veralltäglichung des Handys und seine
sich ständig ausweitenden Repräsentations-, Speicher- und Interaktionsfunktionsfunktionen
hat vor allem in Großbritannien Schulen und Forschungseinrichtungen
motiviert, deren didaktische Funktionen im Rahmen von „participative
and meaningful learning" zu erkunden und zu erproben. Die Arbeitsgruppe
untersucht seit Ende 2006 folgende vier Problembereiche:
- Cultural transformation and the mobilised communication. M-devices
and mlearning in the society of individualized risks;
- To enhance learning in the existing schools and widening the participation;
The didactic potential ofmobile devices for situated and meaningful
learning: Enrichment function of m-devices; Mobile devices as genuine
tools for learner groups at risk / learner groups with non-typical
cultural experiences, Learning options for learners at risk: boys,
migrants, children from precarious life contexts.
- Accordance of the mobile technology; the wide range of applications:
from the telephone to the iPodand MyVideo;
- Mobile changing of the school within the recent cultural transformation
- rethinking education in the school.
List of papers and the discussant:
- Prof. Dr. Ben Bachmair, Kassel: Transformation der Massenkommunikation
durch Mobilität - eine bildungstheoretische Einordnung
- Dr. Norbert Pachler, London: The didactic potential of mobile devices
for situated and meaningful learning
- Dr. John Cook, London: Enhancing specific scholastic subjects and
their learning and teaching methods
- Prof. Dr. Theo Hug, Innsbruck: Micro Learning, ein theoretischer
Rahmen zur Verbindung von Massenkommunikation, Alltag und Schule
- Prof. Dr. Gunther Kress, London: Discussant
2nd WLE Mobile Learning
Symposium "Research methods in informal and mobile learning: How
to get the data we really want?"
Date: December 14, 2007
Place: WLE Centre, IoE, London
proceedings |
1st WLE Mobile
Learning Symposium
Date: February 9, 2007
Place: WLE Centre, IoE, London
website |