‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference

"Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments" Conference
"Mobiles Lernen: Grenzen in konvergenten Umgebungen überschreiten"

Monday to Tuesday, March 21st to 22nd, 2011 in Bremen (Germany)

Twitter hashtag: #MLCB

Videos, photos, slides, texts and further materials are available via the the section "resources" below.




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Book of abstracts

The book of abstracts that contains most of the presentations held at MLCB is available for download here.



Download the MLCB programme by clicking here or on the image below.



The photos that were taken during the conference can be watched below or on the LMLG flickr profile page.


Podcast of the Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio show from MLCB

Graham Attwell, Jenny Hughes and Dirk Stieglitz hosted the Sounds of the Bazaar internet radio show live from MLCB. The podcast is available on the Pontydysgu website. Direct URLs: Day 1 and Day 2.



Some of the presentations were recorded on video. These videos as well as some interviews and vox-pops which were recorded during the conference can be watched below. Use the full screen mode to enlarge the videos.



Slides of presentations and workshops are collected on the MLCB Cloudworks cloudscape. In case you presented and didn't upload your slides yet: please take a few minutes and make your materials available.


MirandaMod Mindmeister Map

The MindMap of the #MirandaModBremen can be accessed here.


Online collaboration tools

URLS to the wiffiti screens, collaborative mind maps, and cloudworks spaces are available in the section "online collaboration tools" below.


Archived materials

download: Call for contributions and guidelines
download: Flyer


Venue, accommodation and transportation

Venue, accommodation and transportation

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Conference on March 21st and 22nd, 2011:

High quality creative spaces and fully equipped conference rooms
Kalkstraße 6
28195 Bremen
(at Jugendherberge Bremen)


Get together on March 20th, 2011:

EduCamp & 'Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments' Conference go on board: MS Treue (www.treue-bremen.de).


Show ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference Bremen 2011 on a bigger map



A limited number of single and double rooms is available for conference attendees at the Youth Hostel. Also, hotel rooms are available for special University rates. Please indicate your room reservation in the registration form.


Public Transport

Usually, tickets are available inside the trams. You might also want to see www.bsag.de for detailed information about public transport in Bremen.

From the Central Station:

By foot: The conference is within about 15 minutes walking distance from the Central Station.

By Tram: Take tram number 1 (to 'Huchting'), leave at 'Am Brill'.
By Bus: Take bus number 26 or 27 (to 'Huckelriede'), leave at 'Am Brill'.
Starting from 'Am Brill', walk 200 meters rightwards along the river Weser.


From the Airport:

Take tram number 6 (to 'Universität'), change at 'Domsheide' to tram number 2 or 3 (to 'Gröpelingen') and leave the tram at 'Am Brill'.

Starting from 'Am Brill', walk 200 meters rightwards along the river Weser.




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Saturday, March 19th, 2011

09:00am       Registration
10:00am       Sessions
evening        EduCamp-Party

Sunday, March 20th, 2011

09:00am       Registration
10:00am       Sessions

04:00pm       Start of EduCaching event at Uni Bremen

Get-together on MS-Treue
07:00pm       Start
00:00am       End

Monday, March 21st, 2011 - MLCB Conference Day 1

09:00am       Registration
09:30am       Opening session
12:45pm       Sounds of the Bazaar live radion from MLCB
02:00pm       MirandaMod
06:00pm       Day 1 closes

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 - MLCB Conference Day 2

09:00am       Registration
09:30am       Opening session
12:30pm       Sounds of the Bazaar live radion from MLCB
06:00pm       Conference closes

Programme details EduCamp
Programme details MLCB Conference


Online collaboration tools

Online collaboration tools      

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MLCB conference

Use the #MLCB hashtag to follow tweets on twitter


Contribute to the single conference strands, workshops and sessions at Cloudworks


Make statements via Wiffiti


MirandaMod on Mobile and Networked Learning

Information, including the URL to access the live video stream, is available at http://is.gd/OFet4W


Meet the Mod and contribute via Flashmeeting


Contribute to the collaborative MindMap at MindMeister


Use the #MirandaModBremen hashtag to follow tweets on twitter


Make statements concerning the MirandaMod and it's sessions via Wiffiti


Un-conferencing formats

Un-conferencing formats

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The conference provides space for un-conferencing. The following formats are offered, but there will also be room available for "autonomous" sessions that are not planned and chaired by the MLCB organisers.

Radio Workshop
Graham Attwell will introduce in radio making and streaming. This small workshop is followed by a live radio session during lunch time.

Paper jam
Participants get together in small groups and choose a topic on which they are then going to work during the following hour. Aim is to produce a 1 to 2 pages paper that has to me made public on the internet by the single groups.

Poster session
Poster are exhibited on walls or displayed through video projectors positioned in the foyer of the venue. A guide guides the audience from poster to poster. At each of the stations, the poster’s author gives a short presentation. The audience is invited to ask questions and to step into a dialogue with the presenter. The group will afterwards rotate to another poster. Poster session will be held in English and German. Duration of the individual presentations is chaired by the guide and depends on the number of posters.

Speed debate (Monday’s closing session by using speed debate format, enhanced by wiffiti)
Participants post provocative statements on wiffiti (http://wiffiti.com/). Participants then choose issues by voting which will be discussed within 5-10 minutes by this day’s session chairs. Audience will vote the winning side.

Speed dating & shared experience session
Participants will line up in pairs. Each pair gets 5 minutes to present themselves to each other. After 5 minutes, the participants will look for another unknown person. After 30 minutes, you will have met 6 new people from the field. Aim is to learn about people around you which might be helpful to address specific issues in the second half of this un-conferencing session.
In ther second half-hour-slot, after this speed dating session and when people are familiar with each other and learned a bit about peoples’ research focus, participants get together - either in small groups or as plenum - and present their own work by making short statements (1 minute). By doing so, they point on areas that worked well and that can be adopted by others. Also, they point on specific issues that caused problems during the work and which need to be resolved. Participants answer and provide support by giving input in form of their experiences. This should not take more than 4 minutes so that, by the end of the un-conferencing session, 6 projects were discussed. One of the aim of this un-conerencing session is collaborative problem solving.

Media production
Participants will produce small 3-minutes how-to videos with their mobile phone cameras. To plan this video, people meet in small groups and write a story board (within 5-10 minutes). Further 5-10 minutes are dedicated to recording the video. Cutting is not allowed (one take, one shot).

Autonomous unconferencing
Slots free for un-conferencing filled and chaired by participants.


MirandaMod on Mobile and Networked Learning


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MirandaMod on Mobile and Networked Learning

Monday, March 21st, 2011
2pm-5pm German time (1pm-4pm UK time)


Information, including the URL to access the live video stream, is available at the MirandaMod page at Wikispaces as well: http://is.gd/OFet4W


Please register via http://www.londonmobilelearning.net/registration_bremen.php to attend the MirandaMod. Fees apply for on-site participants only. Registration is open until March 6th, 2011.



  • John Cuthell (MirandaNet, UK)



  • Dr. John Cuthell (MirandaNet, UK)
  • Andy Black (UK)
  • Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf (University of Bremen, Germany, Arbeitsbereich Medienpädagogik - Didaktik multimedialer Lernumgebungen)


Learning with digital and portable devices in formal settings such as classrooms often seems, on the one hand, to be a challenge for teachers involved. On the other hand, learners are often real experts in the use of digital technologies - which is, however, often based on everyday life and associated with fun, socialising, self-presentation etc. With this background, the speakers will give short outlines of their perspectives on learning in formalised contexts such as school, by using mobile and networked technologies, and by showing how “un-learning” formats can be realised in classrooms. Which opportunities arise? Which challenges are given? Where lies the potential in the learners’ expertise concerning new media? Participants will then work in groups around the following issues:

In the MirandaMod John Cuthell will outline the ways in which MirandaMods can be set up and implemented; the technology required and the ways in which liminal spaces for learning can be created. Participants will experience the techniques and strategies at first hand.

Andy Black will explore interplay been outdoor learning & digital technolgies. His input is entitled "Its not all about classrooms and schools - taking learning outside and bring it back into the classroom". Building on the work of John Davitt www.newtools.org who Andy had the pleasure of being a co-founder of Learning on the Beach. Andy, challenged by John’s creative thinking, will examine how the outside can mixed with digital from Geocaching to Natures Pallet. It’s not about the tech; it’s the learning: it’s not always about the final outcome but it’s always about the journey. Andy will work with participants to suggest possible base scenarios they could employ but more importantly for the participants to suggest and share their ideas. He might even allow you sit down if your’re lucky.
#LOB10 is a conference where you don't sit down on a chair. The YouTube describing what participants from last years inaugural Learning On the Beach can be accessed via http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmYZR09_y9w. Learning on the beach site and how to attend the 2011 gathering can be found at http://lob11.wikispaces.com.

Karsten Wolf will explore different formats for learning by shooting video and provide a taxonomy of how-to videos and give a short glimpse of the upcoming video based community platform draufhaber.tv - combining networked, mobile and video based learning. Participants will have the opportunity to use HD FlipCams to create their own short explanation video entitled "What is MY vision of mobile technology usage in classrooms". We will try to share the results via YouTube; fellow Miranda watchers all over the net are invited to comment on our results via Twitter; we will have a moderated Twitter wall in the session - hashtag will be #MirandaModBremen. The participants of this session are encouraged to discuss - amongst others - the following questions

  • what are advantages and disadvantages of shooting with students phones vs. brick cams vs. semi-pro camcorders?
  • how important is mobile access to video for learning?
  • what subjects are great for learning by shooting, and which are not / harder (if there are any)?
  • how to do great how to / explanation videos?
  • film aesthetics vs. explanatory quality - match or struggle?


Speakers’ personal backgrounds

  • John Cuthell is the Research and Implementation Director for the MirandaNet Academy, working with teachers on a range of e-learning and change management projects and involving varied web-based communities. Since 2001 he has co-ordinated MirandaNet action research projects: with teachers evaluating the impact of interactive whiteboards on teaching and learning involving schools and educationalists in Mexico, China, South Africa and the United Kingdom; with e-learning and e-facilitation courses; with a team of MirandaNet Fellows to support the introduction of computers into schools in Free State Province, South Africa. recent MirandaNet projects include the implementation of Visual Learning and the role of professional development in ICT, (particularly with web-based communities of practice).
  • Andy Black: A colleague says “to describe Andy as an out of the box thinker misses the point Andy doesn’t understand what a box is. He will make linkage find opportunities and give that commitment to make a difference to learners. Frankly at times he is exhausting to work with“. Andy joined British Educational Communication Technology Agency (Becta) 2003 and was Technology Research Manager looking at and evaluating technology that may impact on education in the next five years. He is very much viewed as a learner mobility specialist. He has developed a sideline in demonstrating gadgets and gizmo’s along the lines of 40 gadgets in 40 minutes. Andy lives on line via his personal blog http://andysblackhole.blogspot.com. He thinks should blog more and get our more if that’s not a contradiction or at least a paradox. He thinks he should leave twittering to the birds. Twitter: @andyjb
  • Karsten D. Wolf is doing research on learner participatory learning environments before the Web was even 1.0. Karsten is now heading a lab "media education/educational media". A recent focus of his work is learning by teaching in online video communities using mobile technology. You can find some more info at his recent work blog http://www.ifeb.uni-bremen.de/wolf (in German language), as well as in slides at http://www.slideshare.net/kadewe (both, in English and in German language). Karsten twitters as @kadewe.


About the conference

About the conference

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about conference


Short information in German:

  • Eingeladen sind alle, die sich aus theoretischer und praktischer Sicht für das Thema des Lernens mit mobilen Technologien und konvergenten Medien interessieren oder aus anderen Disziplinen heraus Anknüpfungspunkte an die Themen dieses Bereiches sehen. Eingeschlossen ist auch die außerschulische medienpädagogische Arbeit sowie die Nutzung digitaler Technologien in Bildungskontexten jeglicher Art. Dabei sind nicht nur WissenschaftlerInnen sondern auch LehrerInnen, PädagogInnne, ErzieherInnen, Distributoren, EntwicklerInnen und Unternehmen angesprochen. Interdisziplinäre Ansätze sind ausdrücklich erwünscht.
  • Die Organisationssprache ist Englisch, allerdings findet die Konferenz zweisprachig - deutsch und englisch - statt.
  • Der m-learning-Konferenz geht ein EduCamp voraus, wobei sich die Teilnehmer beider Veranstaltungen bei einem formlosen Get-Together am Sonntagabend treffen und austauschen können.
  • Während der Konferenz lädt MirandaNet zu einem MirandaMod ein, der sich vornehmlich aber nicht ausnahmslos an LehrerInnen, ErzieherInnen und andere im praktischen Bildungsbereich Tätige richtet, die Interesse am Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen und tragbaren Technologien haben; Teilnahmemöglichkeit dazu besteht auch über online-Videokonferenz.
  • Pontydysgu wird mit dem „Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE Radio Programme“ Interviews live über die Konferenz berichten.
  • Die Veranstalter verfolgen ein Konzept, das vielfältige Präsentations-, Diskussions- und Teilnahmemöglichkeiten erlaubt, um den nachhaltigen Austausch von Theorie und Praxis und eine fruchtbare Diskussionskultur zu ermöglichen.
  • Der call for papers zur „Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments“ Konferenz findet sich - ebenso wie weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltungen und der Link zur Online-Registrierung - hier auf der Tagungswebsite.


The ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference, taking place in Bremen (Germany) from Monday to Tuesday, March 21st to 22nd, 2011, builds on a series of mobile learning research symposia hosted by the WLE Centre for Excellence at the Institute of Education, University of London between 2007 and 2009. It will focus on the challenges of developing new pedagogic approaches and on the potential of mobile devices for learning in formal and informal contexts. As mobile learning is not only about learning with mobile technologies, but also considered to be "new" learning, the conference will look at challenges for research and practice in understanding the changing social and technological structures allowing the use of technology for learning that are present in our personal lives, in school and in work places. Thus mobile learning crosses the boundary of institutional learning and looks at practical fields like research and medicine, too. Also, the conference will look at the latest developments in hardware and software which can support personalised learning.

By focusing on theory and practice, development and use, teaching and learning, formal and informal contexts, the ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference intends to offer spaces for researchers, practitioners, developers, the industry and policy makers to exchange ideas, experiences and research around issues and approaches to mobile learning, including sociological and educational issues and their effectiveness and desirability as learning spaces as well as the design of environments.

Whilst the conference includes a traditional research paper strand, we also encourage proposals for sessions in different formats including workshops, posters, cafe and debate sessions, videos, slideshows, podcasts, cartoons and hands on sessions. There will be a German language strand, so contributions in German are also welcome!
We will also provide opportunities for 'unconference' events, including the provision of spaces for informal meetings and discussions.

The number of participants is limited to 150. However, video contributions for loop-presentations during the conference from people who are not able to attend in person are welcome.

The ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference is preceded by the EduCamp, a specialised BarCamp for people interested in media and learning, which will take place in Bremen from March 19 to 20, 2011.
Pontydysgu will broadcast their show "Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE Radio Programme" live via internet.


Keynote presentations
Confirmed Keynote speakers:

  • Dr. Daniela Reimann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT / Institute of Vocational and General Education, Germany)
  • Helen Keegan (Interactive Media and Social Technologies at the University of Salford, UK)


MirandaMod on mobile and networked learning
In collaboration with MirandaNet, the conference is running a MirandaMod, developed as part of a WLE Centre-funded project, which addresses teachers and practitioners who are interested in teaching and learning with new technologies, and would either like to share their experiences or learn from others. People can attend the MirandaMod in person at the conference or online via a FlashMeeting. Detailed information about technical requirements and collaboration tools will be made available on the conference website.

Confirmed speakers:



Online participation
Besides the MirandaMod, the conference provides opportunities to take part in online discussions during the conference. Details will be given in due course on the conference website.


Content related preparations
In order to allow participants to contribute to collaborative contents in advance, the conference provides spaces on Cloudworks (http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/2212) and further collaboration tools which will be announced on the conference website in due course. These tools will be open during the conference as well to allow the collection of ideas.


Registration and fees
Registration for the conference is open to March 6th, 2011. The online registration form can be accessed here. Please note that priority will be given to authors of accepted abstracts as places are limited.

Registration fee is 50 EUR per participant (including participation in the conference, coffee breaks and lunch on Monday and Tuesday). Payment details are provided in the conformation e-mail.

Students and unemployed participants who registered before March 3rd, 2011 are free.

We charge an extra fee of 40 EUR per participant for participation in the 'get together' on Sunday.


Important dates

  • October 31, 2010:  conference system opens for the submission of proposals
  • January 4, 2011:  registration opens
  • January 7, 2011: deadline for the submission of proposals (*NEW*)
  • January 30, 2011:  notification about acceptance (*NEW*)
  • February 13, 2011: deadline for final submission of camera ready abstracts for publication in the book of abstracts
  • March 6, 2011:  registration closes
  • March 21-22, 2011: conference

Conference organisers and academic committee

Organising committee and academic committee

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The ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference in Bremen, Germany, will be hosted by the University of Bremen, run by the Department for Media Education and Design of Multimodal Learning Environments and by the Institute Technology and Education (ITB) in association with the London Mobile Learning Group (LMLG; www.londonmobilelearning.net), Pontydysgu and MirandaNet.


Executive organisers

  • Klaus Rummler (LMLG; Universität Bremen, FB12, Arbeitsbereich Medienpädagogik - Didaktik multimedialer Lernumgebungen)
  • Judith Seipold (LMLG; Bremen)


Organising Committee and consultancy

  • Klaus Rummler (LMLG; Universität Bremen, FB12, Arbeitsbereich Medienpädagogik - Didaktik multimedialer Lernumgebungen)
  • Judith Seipold (LMLG; Bremen)
  • Dr. Eileen Lübcke (Universität Bremen, Institut für Technik und Bildung)
  • Prof. Karsten Wolf (Universität Bremen, FB12, Arbeitsbereich Medienpädagogik - Didaktik multimedialer Lernumgebungen)
  • Dr. Norbert Pachler (LMLG; Institute of Education, University of London)
  • Graham Attwell (LMLG; Pontydysgu)


Academic committee

  • Carl Smith (LMLG; London Metropolitan University)
  • Christoph Pimmer (LMLG; Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)
  • Cristina Costa (University of Salford)
  • Daniela Reimann (KIT, University of Karlsruhe)
  • Dennis Krannich (University of Bremen)
  • Dirk Stieglitz (Pontydysgu)
  • Eileen Lübcke (ITB, University of Bremen)
  • Graham Attwell (Pontydysgu)
  • Ilona Buchem (Applied University of Berlin)
  • Joanna Burchert (ITB, University of Bremen)
  • Jocelyn Wishart (University of Bristol)
  • John Cook (LMLG; London Metropolitan University)
  • John Traxler (University of Wolverhampton)
  • Judith Seipold (LMLG; Bremen)
  • Karsten Wolf (BIBF, University of Bremen)
  • Klaus Rummler (LMLG; BIBF, University of Bremen)
  • Maren Lübcke (TU Tech GmbH)
  • Maria Perifanou (University of Athens)
  • Miriam Barnat (TU Harburg)
  • Norbert Pachler (LMLG; Institute of Education, University of London)
  • Paulo Simoes (Portugal)
  • Ricardo Torres (University of Barcelona)
  • Saeed Zare (TZI, University of Bremen)
  • Sandra Schaffert (Salzburg Research)
  • Silke Grafe (University of Paderborn)
  • Stefan Welling (IFIB, University of Bremen)
  • Steve Warburton (University of London)
  • Thomas Fischer (Menon)
  • Tobias Nelkner (University of Paderborn)
  • Warren Kidd (University of East London)

More to be confirmed.


Website and contact
For detailed information visit http://bremen.londonmobilelearning.net
The Organising Committee can be reached via: [email protected]


Call for Contributions

Call for Contributions      

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Call for Contributions
Submission of abstracts for research papers, workshops and posters are invited. The submission for conference activities in alternative formats such as cafe or debate sessions, videos, slideshows, podcasts, cartoons, hands on sessions  – or any other kind of format you can think of – is also welcome.

The abstracts for research papers should contain 650 words, including keywords. Abstract for alternative formats differ. Full details may be found in the guidelines. Please indicate the thematic strand and the type of activity as well as the language the contribution covers.

Proposals can be submitted electronically through the conference tool from October 31st, 2010 to December 5th, 2010, accessible via the conference website. We are especially looking for originality and relevance of ideas and for creativity in proposals, in form and content.

All proposals will be subject to a peer review process.

The conference proposes - but does by no means limit contributions to - the following topics:

Strand 1: Theoretical inputs on mobile learning
Issues to be explored may include:

  1. What theoretical and methodological approaches are appropriate for research mobile learning?
  2. What pedagogic approaches to the use of mobile devices for learning are feasible?
  3. How does ubiquitous access to the internet change the dynamics of learning both in and outside the classroom and work place?
  4. Cultural practices of learning, meaning-making and appropriation: Media usage and the social impact of using networked technologies in everyday life context.
  5. How does mobile learning impact on research and innovation?
  6. Ethical issues around learning with mobile networked technologies.
  7. How can informal learning and learning in informal contexts contribute to learning in formal contexts?
  8. How does sign-making and communication with mobile devices impact on language and literacy?


Strand 2: Practical issues to support mobile learning
Issues to be explored may include:

  1. What is the rationale for implementing mobile learning in educational settings and at work?
  2. What end-user support is important for mobile learning? How can it best be provided?
  3. Challenges of the implementation and management of mobile learning: educational institutions, organisational learning, the organisation of learning
  4. Using mobile devices for work based learning
  5. What are the issues around using personally owned devices for mobile learning in institutional contexts?
  6. Scalability problems: difficulties and solutions from developing a pilot project into mass application
  7. Assessment with mobile technologies, assessment of and with mobile learning


Strand 3: Concrete pointers and examples on mobile learning
Issues to be explored may include:

  1. Use of mobile networked technologies in medical settings
  2. Game-based learning using mobile technologies
  3. Augmented reality and augmented learning
  1. Mobile devices and e-science
  2. Mobile learning and arts
  3. Using mobile devices, e-Portfolios and Personal Learning Environments
  4. Visualisation, Gesture-based interaction, Wearables, Open and linked data, Location-awareness and context-sensitivity
  5. Impact of new technologies and its semiotics on the way we use language/ signs for meaning-making


Strand 4: Utopian corner: Glimpse of our future learning and work
We welcome the exploration of ideas and visions of how our future learning as well as work becomes influenced by mobile technologies and convergent environments. We encourage the discussion of ideas of tomorrow to make meaning of the devices of today. In this strand we provide the space and time for ideas to be explored not in a practical sense but in terms of an utopian situation. Any type of suitable format (video, simulation, images, art, poster) is possible.

  1. Current and emerging trends
  2. Ideas for the future, ideas for a learning utopia


Call and guidelines for the submission of contributions
Download call for contributions and guidelines


Book of abstracts
All proposals accepted will be published electronically with an ISSN number. Please note that all submissions should be licensed under a Creative Commons licence.


Conference proceedings
We are intending to publish an edited book with selected conference papers.


Important dates

  • October 31, 2010:  conference system opens for the submission of proposals
  • December n.n., 2010:  registration opens
  • January 7, 2011: deadline for the submission of proposals (*NEW*)
  • January 30, 2011:  notification about acceptance (*NEW*)
  • February 13, 2011: deadline for final submission of camera ready abstracts for publication in the book of abstracts
  • March 6, 2011:  registration closes
  • March 21-22, 2011: conference

Submission and registration

Submission and registration

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Proposals can be submitted via the EasyChair conference system. The MLCB 2011 conference can be accessed at

You will need an EasyChair account to be able to submit your paper:
As first time user, click “sign up for an account” and follow the EasyChair instructions to create your account. You will be required to type a “secret word”. Then, you will receive an e-mail from EasyChair with the subject “EasyChair account confirmation”. Follow the link provided in the email to create a username and password so that you can assess your MLCB2011 EasyChair account. When you have created your account, you can submit your paper or access any papers you have submitted by logging in to

As some people might be interested in submitting videos or posters, the conference system accepts - besides the pdf-format for paper submissions - also .jpg, .avi, .ppt and .pptx files as attachments to the submission.

This image shows the categories available and required for submitting proposals.

Registration for the conference is open to March 6th, 2011. The online registration form can be accessed here. Please note that priority will be given to authors of accepted abstracts as places are limited.



About Mobile Learning

About Mobile Learning      

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Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the potential of mobile learning: Project orientated research, theory building, technological developments and pedagogically informed approaches to mobile technologies in a range of educational and work-based contexts are evidence for a fast growing discipline.

The current transformations in social and technological structures, changing cultural practices of learning as well as changing institutional cultures pose new challenges for learning - be it institutional (e.g. school, university) or work-based, formal or informal. Mobile, networked media play an increasingly important role for meaning-making and appropriation in users’ life-worlds which calls for new understandings in, and approaches to formal learning.

As mobile devices offer flexible access to the internet and communication tools for learning within and outside of the classroom, and as they support learning experiences that are personalised as well as collaborative, accessible and integrated within the world beyond the classroom, mobile learning can open up new contexts for learning, with ubiquitous connectivity allowing interactive and connected learning in school and university, in the workplace, in the home and in the community. As for technological developments, mobile and networked technologies and devices become increasingly powerful, the rise of an ‘app culture’ marks a large commercial market, driving a new wave of creativity in the design of learning applications.