Posts Tagged ‘socio-cultural ecology’

Info AERA 2009 Symposium “Outside in and inside out: interdisciplinarity and mobile learning research”

Symposium proposal entitled “Outside in and inside out: interdisciplinarity and mobile learning research” accepted for AERA 2009.
The Symposium will take place on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 from 16.05 – 17.35 hours in the San Diego Marriott Hotel.

‘Pedagogical Issues and Mobile Learning’, by Ben [...]

Info CAL 2009 Symposium “Outside in, inside out? Digital media as cultural resources for learning”

Symposium proposal entitled “Outside in, inside out? Digital media as cultural resources for learning” accepted for CAL 09 (Convenor: John Cook).
The Symposium will take place on Monday, March 23rd, 2009 from 13.15 – 14.35 hours in the Hilton Metropole Brighton.
Individual papers accepted as part of [...]


Research on mobile learning is currently making a shift from practice-orientated research to theory building, often focusing on theorising communicative and discursive practices. In this context, an emerging tendency in theory building is to consider experiences related to the learners’ life worlds, agencies and cultural practices, in out-of-school, informal contexts.
To understand personalised, learner-centred learning from [...]